Happy to work in your preferred tool but here’s my POV on each, including rationale.

In fact, it’s a one-stop-shop for all UX deliverables including wireframes, maps/flows, even an interactive component library.
It’s steep learning curve is likely the reason it’s not as popular as other tools but it’s absolutely worth the time investment
(Overkill if all you need is wireframes.)
Rationale for POV
Proficiency: Competent

Modern interfaces need to be able to have multiple things occur on any event. You don’t want your prototyping tool to limit your design ideas.
Rationale for POV
(as of 01/22)
Proficiency: Advanced

Some recent upgrades are also not actually that great.
Rationale for POV
Adobe XD
Proficiency: Beginner

But its prototyping features are still limited.
Rationale for POV
Invision (out of business)
Proficiency: Competent

But it doesn’t prototype. Flat designs and design fragments need to be uploaded. (A tedious process.) Then “hotspots” are defined to simulate interactions but it doesn’t actually create a prototype.
Rationale for POV
Proficiency: Advanced

(Overkill if all you need is wireframes.)
Rationale for POV
Proficiency: Advanced

But it has been left in the dust by so many other tools.
Rationale for POV